Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Pauls Conher1ion. him come and take of the Water of life freely , as in Revel. a i. And that Chrift is thus ready to re- dye humbled finners, you may fee in his readi- nefle to receive all manner of people, whileft bee was on the earth , with feverail difeafes: he put none away that came unto him. Againe,confider that if Chrift fhould not bee merciful', then the end of his Redemption fhould be loft : for where- fore came he but to thew mercy unto (inners r A- gaine, confider how ready he is to receive finners, from the mouth of his Minifters, 2 Corinth.g.zo. Now then we are Embaffadors for ChriFt ; as though God did befeech you by Ud , wee pray you in Chri{ïs ead, bee yee reconciled to God : that is, weeufe all the perfwafions, and motives that we can ; we ex- hort, rebuke, ir,ftru& you , and all to this end to make you willing to receive Chrift; nay wee doe not onely befeech you, but with thofe in the Gof- pel wee compel' you to come in, that is, wee per (wade you often againí1 your wils, to receive. Chrift. Now the things that keepe men from Chrift is this; they fay, that they are not fit to come to Chrift , and therefore they will not come : but men are deceived, for there is no other ñ :ting condition required of us by God;onely be- leeve, and you (had' be laved, that is, if you have but a defire to come to Chrift , you may have him : as for example, if there fhould be a generall proclamation made by the King, for all offenders let their crimes bee what they will that whofoe ver will come io, and lay downe his armes of re .. R r 3 hellion