'', 298 Pauls Converfion. L_ bellion and acknowledge him to bee Supreme, (hall have pardon ; it may bee there is fome offen- ders that have greater crimes then others , and o. thers lefie, whatfoever difference there be, it mat- ters not if they will but come in, they (hall have pardon : fo I fay unto you, if you will come in, it matters not what your fianes were, or are; Chrift here hath made a generali proclamation, that whofoever will come in, (hall have mercy, there- fore feare not what your Cones bee, onely get a wiling heart to part with finite, and cleave fait unto Chrift, and Chrift will not forfakeyou. In the time of the law every feventh yeare, there was a Iubilee, wherein every fervant was made free from his Malter ; but if any refufed then, then he was to be bored thorow the cares, and to ferve his Matter for ever : beloved, now is the yeare of Iubilee, you may now bee free men in Chrift, if you will but receive Chrift; but if you will not then you (hall bee markt for the divell , and ferve him for ever : therefore, as Pyrrhus faid unto his fervants, he that will freely goe with me unto the battell, let him come; fo I fay unto you, if you will freely come in unto Chrift, come, and Chrift will receive you; but if you will nor, Chrift will not have you to goe with him, that is, you (hall not: but this you will not doe till you be hum- bled; and therefore labour ro get humiliation, and then whatfoever your finnes are, you (hall be Paved, if you will but receive Cara Therefore examine your (elves in what a frame your hearts Rand