MO EmptinefJe. 3 though our Righteoufneff be very weake & fmal1, yet in him we are compleate, Colo f '. 2. 4, Fourthly, this Fulnes is attributed to him in regard of his Ef- regardafh fear. Scarce was there ever any a &ion that Chrift did, but you eßí. (hall fee a Fulnes in it. At the firft Miracle that ever he wrought, he filled 6 water pots with wines afterwards he filled 5000 guefts with 5 loaves and 2 filing, fo that twelve Baskets full of broken mutes were taken up; So he filled the Netts with fifhes till they were ready to breake againe; and which was the belt Fulnes of all, he filled the Difci pies with the holy Ghoft in the day of Pen - recoft, and often afterwards, whence they are laid to be full of Joy and the Holy Ghoft. If we would know the Reafons; It is partly in regard of Chrift r: himfelfe; he was the Corner Stone, therefore there is reafon he Chr Reafons from fhould be the faireft in all the Building. He was the Prince of our ift. Salvation,therefore it was meet he fhould be like Saul higher then all the People by head and !boulders, far exalted above all Prin- cipalities and Powere. But chiefely it was in regard of us and our emptineffe, that with 2. his Fulnes he might replenifh our Vacuity, otherwife we could Fromour neither have feen him,nor received of him. Not have feeen him,forl /elves. the glorious Beauty of his God head was too bright for our eyes to behold. It was therefore reafon that it fhould be put into the Lanthorne. or Valle of ChrifIs Humanity, that in that we might behold it. Nor could we have received of ir, for the Diety is an In- acceble Fountaine ; le was reafon therefore that Chri.ffs Humanity Mould be the Cifterne or Conduit- head to receive it for our mo- dell and tale. But here one Qieftion mull be anfwered. Steven and other .Quell, Saints are laid in Scripture to be full of the Holy Ghoft, & how differs this from the Fulneffe of Chriff? I anfwer, firft they were laid to be full according to their mea Anfu% fure, Chrift out of meafuee; as a little Difh may be Paid to be full as well as the Ocean. So they were Paid to be full,becaufe filled accor- ding to the narrownes of their prefent Capacity. But Quilt was full according to all dimentiions, length, bredth, and depth of Fulne fre. Secondly, in them there was Plenitudo Vafis ; In Chrift, Plenitu_ de