Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

4 Chri p Fulneffe, and do fontir, that is, there was in them a derived participated Ful- neffe, but in Chrifl there was a Fulnes like the Fulnes of a Foun- taine fpringing from himfelf, which is well expreffed by the School -men, when they fay, that the Fulnes of the Saints and of Chrift differs, as Ignis and Igniter, the one like Torches kindled, the other like Fire it felfe;for the Fulnes of the Ocean is too little to expreffe this ; For if you take a drop or two from it, it is fo much lef ened;rather the fables of the fire,which lights a thoufand Torches, yet is not it lelfe diminiflted. Thirdly, in them there was a Comparative Fulnes. Steven was laid to be Full in regard of other leffer Saints ; But in him there was an abfolute Fulnes without al limits, without al comparifon. What fhal we now deduce hence for Application to cur felves ? Firfl,that which is allo the Scope of he Evangelic in this place ; This fhould invite ue to come to Cbrifl, and to take of this full beape. This Incentive Paul often ufes to inflame the delires of the Gentiles to come to Chrifl,even to the Riches of that fulnes which is in him, which in the fulneffe of time began to be expofed to all Commers,as he faith,hidden before, but now fully revealed; Peen before but in Types and Shadowes, now with open face ; before preached but to a few, now to every Creature under Heaven ; be- fore the Spirit was given but by drops, but now be that barb a- fcended on high, and led Captivity Captive , bath fo given gifts to men, that he bath filled all things. Let us therefore be exhorted when we heart of fuch a fulnefre, not to take the Grace of God in vaine, but labour we to have our part in it,that as thofe Corinthians,we may br made rich in Chrift filled with all knowledge and every grace. Content not your (elves therefore to know this only;for that is our common fault to con tent our (elves with the Notions of fuch things without pra &ice. But go to Chrift as Bees to a meadow that is Jul of flowers, as Merchants to the Indies that have full Mines, that you may expe- rimentally find your felves returning from him full fraught with the Treafures of Truth and Grace. In other things fullnes invites us much ; lofepb's full Barnes in Egypt drew Iacob and his Sons thither : Canaan was a Land Full flowing with milke and honey, and that invited the If raelites to feeke it : Solomon: abundance and fulneffe of wifedome,caufed the Queene L