Man's Emptrnef. Queen of Sheba to come out of the South to his Court. In evens/ thing fulnefs doth much allure and elf. us. The Covetous man though he (pend but little, yet he defines to take it from a full heap,as he fairs Depleno tollere acervo.How much more then fhoulj this fulnefs of Chrìii work on vs, efpecially fence there is in him not only a repletive but a diffafive fulnefs ; not onely plenty, but olio bounty ? But alas, if we look upon the tvaies and a &ions of men, we (hall find that men Peek a fulnefs in every thing elfe, ai- molt, a ftilnefs in pleafure and delights, a fulnefs in honour and preferments ; But this full Honey Combe is almoft every where difpifed,but happy hee,the bent of whole heart God bath turned the right way to feels a fulnefs of Faith and Wifdome, ands fulnefs of the Holy Ghoft, whò cares not though he be empty of any thing elle, fo bee bee full of there ? though a loofer in other things, fo a Gainer in thefe. Such à one bath chofen the better part, which (hall never be taken from him. Secondly,Ifthere be a fulnesinChrip,we (hould anfwer it with fulnes of affe &ion on our parts,fully beleeve & croft in him,fully love & adore him, fully delight in him,for it is reafon the aff:E}i- on fhould be anfiverable to the Objeel. A little excellency d: fires little Iove and diem]; more excellency more love,but wher here is a fulnes of al excellencies, that we (honld procecute with fulnes (Sal our affeetions.All the excellency in the creature in compari- fon of this, is but as a drop to the Ocean, & a (park tee the whole Element of fire. Therefore if we prop;etion our aff elions to the object, yhch ought to be the Rule 8t fquare ofthem,wrre fhou'd be- llow on the Creature but a drop of Jove arid delight, bot the full ¡Imam of our afe &ions fhoold be carried to him, in whom is the fulnes of al perfeetió.Ic is true indeed,that as men hide trea fire fró theeves under firaw or b fifer covering,fo god hides this ful excel. lency from the world under abile outfide,that hie f c;er ones on- ly might find it ou-,& others,feeing might not fee,hi,t Rumble at it.Thus he hid Chrift himfelfunder a Carpenters fui,,fo he hides Divine Mifteries under the mean Elements of B" sad and Wine, fo the wifdom of God is hidden under the foolifie efts of preaching: and under Sheep -skins and G oatskins, as the Apoftle fpeakes, were hidden, and fuch At the world is not woìthy of, yet there is fuch a fulnefs of excellency notwie ftftanding for if ever we law B beauty