Mans Emptir tt e. and behold their role h empty, becaufe the Creat.ire is now but as the husk without the graine, the (hell without the kernel!; full of nothing but emptinefs, and being empty in itfelfe, cannot give usfatisfa&i ^n; But Chrift the fecond Adam hath fired all things again, Epbef. r. left verf. He fils all in all things, that is, rot rnely the hearts of men, but the things alío. It is the Neuter Ge der, '71-a'rra'EP rct!a'l. Hence we may oblerve, that many fittde a want in the mid(t ofplenty,their hearts find no rei or fatiafa&lon in al they enjoy, but with the holy Regenerate man it is much other - wife, though he have but a little wealth,a little fond Et raynrent, yet there is a fecret fulnefs put into that little which makes it fit to give him fatisfa&ion,which is the meaning of that of the pfal- mii, Pfal. 37. 16. Alittle thing to the Righteous, iq better then great riches to the wicked, becaufe in that little it being filled with the bleffing of the fecond Adam, they finde a fulnefs, whereas the wicked finde an emptineffe in the midi of their greaten aboutt- danle. If there be a fulnefe in Chrift, then what though their be a ful- Vfe nefs of fin and guilt in us, yet there is a fulnefs of Grace in him able to remove it, and take it away. Afulnefs of mercy to receive our Supplications, a fulnef,Ic of merit to make an Attonement for our foulai fins , a fulnefs of Favour to prevaile with his Father in any requefts. If therefore there be a fulnefs of Grace in Chrift, as there is, be not difcour°aged, though thy fins abound, yet his Grace abounds much more, they cannot be fo out of meafure finfull, as he is out of mcafure merciful!. Remember but the two Meta- phors ufed in Scripture, /will fcatter your fins as a miff, and tbey pad be drowned in the bottom of the Sea,Now the Sun by reafon of its great force can feaster the thicket miff, afwell as the lean vapor : The Sea by reafon of its great Vaftnefs can drowne mountaines, as well as molhils; So Chrift by reafon of that Vafle Fulneffe of Grace which is in him, is as able, yea as forward and willing to forgive the greaten fins afwell as the leali, I fay as forward and willing for mercy, though it be a gaality in us, yet it is a na- ture in God : Now what is natural, there is no unwillingnefs or wearinefs in doing that, as the eye is not weary with feting, nor the care weary with hearing; Therefore though our fins be nt- ver fo great and many, yet if this condition be obferved, that we B lye 4.