Chri ft :r Fnlnef, and lie in no knowne in, that we have a full and re (solute purpofe, God bearing witneffe to our confciences, not to do the Ieafi evil, nor omit the leafs good, in a word that wee make our hearts per - fe& to God in al things,for without this condition there is no re- mifíìon of fins. But if this condition be obferved, I fay that al- though our fins be never fo great and many, yet they are not gone beyond the price which hach beene paid for them, nor be- yond the Grace of him with whom we have to doe, for there is a fulve fs in him. N w Ile Meech you take not this exhortation in vaine , for there is nothing more effe ual to heale a relaellsous difpofi: ion, to inflil laving Grace, to caule a inner to change hie courfe, then to be fully p rfwaded that he Thal be received to mercy, and dies Simile, his fins [rail be forgiven int.Cltrifl : even as the Theefe, while the Hue and Cry is after hiri , never returnes willingly Rebels and Pyrates whiles the Proclamation of Rebellion is out againfi them, never come in : But if there be a Proclamation of pardon, yea and of fom great Advancement,if that be beleived once,thar, and nothing elfcaufeth them to come in,and to become faithfull and loyali fubje&s. Therefore let this fulnefs of mercy in Chrifi be an effe &ual motive to us,aIl,to come in to lay down the armes of Rebellion, to choofe God for our good, and to give up our felvcs wholly to him, to ferve him with perfe& hearts &willing minds, all our dayes.. So much for the fir(f part. The fecond part I will as briefely difpatch, and not meddle with the third, left I be tedious. Of his Fulne fs wee have an received. IITHence the fecond Point is [That all Grace h received] For as all. Stars 'thine in the light of the Sun : So doe all the Saints through grace received. Wí at elfe diftinguithed John from Judas, Simon Peter, from Simon Magus? but onely Chrifi, who shone upon one,and not upon another,when they fate both alike in darknefe, and in the thdadow of death. The Scripture is evident fur this, Pbil. z. 13. The Deed is wrought in us by God, and not the deed onely, but the Wits alto which.