Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Mans Entptineffe. which produces that deed, nor that onely, but the thought alto which begat that will. For we are not able fo much as to thinke a good thought of our (elves. 2 Cor. 3. 5. So that all grace, yea all preparation to grace,and ability to accept grace,are all from God: contrary to what Arminius aflirmeth : and not of our felves,and that for thefe reefons. Becaufe nothing can werke beyond the Sphear of its own reach, the of fe& exceedeth not the caute, therefore it is irnpoflible for corrupt nature either to beget Supernatural grace,or to do any anion pre. paring or bending, or inclining the will to it : For as the water cannot heate (which is an a &ion above the nature of it) until an higher principle of heat be firft infufed into it ; no more can meer nature do any thing tending to laving grace,having no pain ciple in it felfe whence it can raife it. And if it be obje &ed (as it is by the Arminians ) that though 0b'eU. Grace do all,yet to accept or reje& ie,to will or nil it,is natural to man as a,free Agent. 1 anfwer;that to will,is natural,but to wil wel,is fupernatural, and mutt rife from a higher wel. head then nature is. For as an hatchet wiI cut when handled but with a common hand,but not make a chair or floole, or any artificiali thing except it have In- fluentiam Artificir quatenus Artifex, the influence of an Artifii- cer as he is an Artificer; So though to will be natural,yet,to wil wel, to do a fupernatural work in a fupernatural and holy man - ner,it cannot exclp: it have the influence ofa fupernatural Agent to dire& and guide it. If a man might accept grace or refute ir,as he would. God were not God,becaufe he might be croffed by his creature,and his own will fhould not abfolutely bear rule,efpecially in that great mat- ter of beleeving,and not beleeving, and in putting difference be- twixt man and man in the matter of Salvation and Damnation : for according to Arminius, thoegh God did heartily defire the converfion offuch a man, and offered him all the meanes ofgrace that could be, yet it is fä11 in the free choife of his wil to convert or not to convert;theìr only anfwer here is,that feeing God bath made a Decree, that man that be a free agent, though he do tuna earnefily defire the converfion of fuch and loch men, yet bec,>ufe he cannot difanul his Degree,he doth,and muff leave it to the li- B 3 berty