Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

-g o Clari ffs FulneJe, and betty of the Creature to do contrary to even that h mfelfdefres. But what is this elle but to put GO into fuch ftreighrs at Darius was in, who would faine have faved Daniel, but becaufe of his Decree he could no. ? Aid i.f griefe in S;ririrs and Angels be but PLenifus veluntatis, a relu&aatcy d the will as the Schoolemen af- firme.what is this elk but to attribtve griefe unto God,and fo to detra& from his blafednetTre. Thirdly,if all Grace be no received, but a man may accept it or reje& it as he will,{iow can is be lolved, but that a man mutt re- joyce and boaff partly in birnfelfe, contrary to Pauls rule, and not wholly in the Lord, for aske the q :eition of all that are faved, what is the reafon that you are Paved rather then another, their anfwer mutt needs be ; I out of the liberty of my owne will, did receive and ufe well the grace offered,when another did not. Sa that according to Arminius, the Saints in Heaven are not a jot more beholding to God then the damned in hell, for thea;ffering o- Grace on Gods part, was a like common tobnth, only he that is in heaven, may thanke his owne will that he chofe ir, when a- nother refuted it. They have nothing hire to anfwer, but onely that the means of Grace are difpenced by God with force difparity; But what is that when they mainraine.tuch freedome of will, that he who hath the greateft meanes may reje& graces and he who hath the leali, may accept it ? O_her reafons there are but that I hiElen : as that Grace i, not Grace without being received, no more then a man can be a man without reafon,or a gift can be a gift wi: haut being given,for no left doth it imply contradi &ion to fuppofe it to be a grace, & yet not to be freely bellowed by God, and received by us. Secondly, bowing of the will is an eff & of grace, and grace is an eflc& of the fpirit. Now the fpirit breaths, when, where, & in what meafirre it Haab. Againe, if grace thould fpring out of our foule, it thould be but a flower of graul-e, for all flefb is graffi , but the grace of the mediator is of a mere durable nature,a flower that fades not, and a fpring which is not dryed up. Hence 2. Corrolaries. One to rcWfie our judgment. The other to dire(' onr prallife. The