Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Marts Enrptrve ffe. r I' The firft fhewes us the errors ofArminius,who filth but refyned the old Pelagianifine,a dangerous err.,ur:for Arriatiifrac was like a land flood that overflowed the whsle world, & was foone dey- ed up againe, becaufe it had not a firing to mancaine it, hoc the belt ages of the Church had in them as he called . Multas fibras virulenti,e Pelagiame, becat:fe it is an errour agreeable to neture & reafon,fo that we have a fpring within our owne break co noíarifh andmaintaine k But now to keep clofe to the point in hand, :.his point fheweth the error of Arminius and Pelagtiu, , who afcribe the beginning, preparations, and ability of acceptinggrace to our own free will,although the complement to G .,d. Whereas you fee by what hath been faid, that not only the fuller fcreames,but every drop of grace, is received from his fulacs. This errour procze& s from their not diftinguifhing aright betwixt acquifit habits an _¢ infufed, indeed in the acquifit, the arcs go before the habits, and prepare for them,but with infufed habits it is cleane contrary;lt is with them as it is with the naturall powers of the fbule, we have firft the faculty of feting before we do fee, and the faculty of hearing before wee doe haare, fo it is in infufed habits, wee have firft the habits before we exllrcife the operations of thrm,for even as the wheele doth not run that it may be made round, but it is firft made round that it may run,lo the heart doth not firft do the aaions, whereby it is put into a right frame, but it is firft fa- shioned and made a new Creature by grace, and then it doth a- &ions,& brings forth fruits worthy a mendment oflife,for what is laid of the foule,is as truly raid of Grace, it doth, Fabricari Sibi Domicilium, prepareth a roome for it felfe, ufeth no Flarbengtr, for nothing can prepare for graces but grace. And if it be cbje&ed,as Arminius doth in his booke upon the 7. °bjeei: to the Romani, that fuch as Senecíe and Socrates, were much en_ lightned, did approve the law of God according to the inward man, and had a kind of univerfall common grace. I anfwer,that this priviledg cannot denyed to many among An'YD. the Heathen, that as Alchimifts, though they mitre the end, yet j they find many excellent things by the way. So though they fai- led of the right end,the glory of God, yet they were not deftitute of many excellent common gifts,wherein though one did go far beyond another, as Seneca beyond Nero, and fo others,yet as they 't. fay,