Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

1 2 Chririx Fulne ffe, and fay offins,they do al alike paffe the rule of rc &itute,though fotne go further beyond than others,fo were they all alike deftitute of original Righteoufnefe, although fome more elongated from it than others, all are alike dead in fns, though force (as dead bo- dies) more corrupted and petrified than others. And if is be obj'&ed, as it is by Arminius, to what end then are Exhortations and Threatnings, the propounding of Puniffi ments,and Rewards, if it be not in our power to accept Grace, & refute it as we will. I anfwer, that as the raine although it fall afwell upon Rocks and Heathes as upon Vallies and Fruitful! places, yet no man af- keth to what end is the fire and latter raine ; So Exhortations Sc Admonitions though they fall afwell upon the R probates, and thofe that are defperately wicked, as upon thofe that are docible and capable of better things, it is no left folly to aske to what end they are, facing as the raine, fo they are to many beneficial! and ufefull. So mnch for the fire Corollary,which ferves to re &ifi° Judge- ments. The next is for Pra &ice. If all grace be received, then do f rre not repentance, for no repentance is accepted, but what proceeds from a San9ifyirg grace,and that as you fee is received, that is gi- ven by God as he will. It it not in him that willetb, nor in bim that runneth , but he bath companion on whom be will have com- panion, and whom be will be hardeneth, Rom. 9. i,. As 1 Paid before, the Spirit breatheth where and when itlifleth. Therfore we fhould as Millers, and Mariners are wont to doe, who take the Gale when it commeth, becaufe they know the winds are not at their command : Suppofe a man were to paffe the Seas within 20. dales upon pain of deathaif the .vind fhould blow the fecond day, third day, or fourth day, no wife man would omit the op- portunity , becaufe he knowes the winds are not in his power ; So if the Spirit that breat4einto our hearts good motions of turn- ing to God unfainedly in our youth,at i 6, 17. or when ever,it is the gteateft wifedome in the world to take the opportunity, and not to puc it off,who knoweth whether they will be had again or no : How many thoufand are now in Hell who thought to have repented, and did not becaufe they negle&eçi thofe breathings of the Objetl. Anfw. Coro11.2, 6