Marta Effiptii10. the he that Spirit afters which were od for no more: happy accept- able suites, and as our Saviour fpeaketh, the }moms that day of bas vz {ttatïon, things which belong to his Peace, in that his day, which 3eruf à lent did not, which made Chriff to weep over it, and which Saul did not : and the ray for them. Forbas time here were cer ainae tines heremy to pray when the Angell moved aspheal healed there are c rttaine accepta- ble that times 1?r be hea- led r ch , wherein God troubles the hearts of men by his fpirtt. Happy is he who then Reps into a good courf,that he may were) anthere en therfroz n hearts of wherein men. And dodo is (as d e) eha theground e then forte heart d man h a cafe is like iron i the furnace gr d is till it be could,and it will not be wrought upon. Ié fetch you therefore let us be exhorted to take opp the opportunity, & not be like to thofe whom Ifaiah comilpla fi me of, who like bulrufhes bow downe their heads for a da , ftorme thineda or comes to dry it trouble up againe, lift but heads faire Sun- thine Y as upright as ever before. If a man would fit down der this feriouí]y,I have bus ag little but me for one half another C lace where I muff live for all eternity, it h p it Ihaal I, f this were throoghlytconfidered, I wound rithata- a- ny 1rayi thing elfe { hould take up the intentions SE thoughts of a mans heart, but only how to make fore his falvation. But alas meaarc end our lives. But if robbed of our felves through doloaw fp}ghts, eoaatu, magnas nugas agere, Foour li 'r. Butiif we would not an effete hanging pón ropes,and depending upon uncertainties that is, grace whence repentance pro' , you teeing; g ceedeth, is as fee received , and not in our power. Bat we miflake repentance, and that is the caufe we defer it, it inot as it 1 thought, a fòrrow for our finites only, A which is commonly a rich leaving of fumes out of fear of hell, and defire to be Caved,