Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

1r- ----. Chrip Fulne ffe, and a titan may doe out of the (trength of natural( wiiedornP provi- ding for his owne fafety, but it is a much diff:rent thin putting life into a dead s r î- putt Creature, 2 man : Epbelans 2. 1. Making g' vii.. s Corinthians g man a frame of the heart; as if another f ule dwelt in the f g of the whole he faith, Ego non fum ego.In a word, when a man is cle ame man then he was,(erving of God out of an inward ane another and having the whole bent of his difpoftion turn 'd to de the law of God without thefe byref e delight et be made clearer, and put out of all doubt And that this may queftion ; That repentance which men tak9e up in this extreamity, whence proceedeth it? if in age, or times fualIy doth in fuch cafes, becaufe the foule is then ft u. fefíed with an apprehenfon ofdeath and hell y pot, then there is no more then nature in it; for the ftreame rif t£h not higher then the fountaine. A beat/ would do as whi sinking into danger, would ftruggle to rave it felfe. But if if it ceed from love to God, why was it not done fooner, w the flowre of our youth ?yea when it is done fooneft hy not in not be heartily forry that it was not done Boner ' would we ded out of love to him? And if it thus proceed our of an lh ly love to God, it cannot arife but from his holy fpirit : the breathings of which (pirit as they are molt free, fo are they maft Therefore when Inch a £ parke is kindled in our hearts, let us bee carefull to put fuel/ to it, and not Puffer it to go out againe. Ai the Creatures in Heaven and Earth cannot hel p us againe to them, yea the bell Ordinances are but as pens without inke, or empty Conduit pipes which give not a drop of true ex ;p; Chriff who is the Fountain pleats to conveigh it by them. You know the Famous Story of Francis Spira, what bitter cryes bee of d upon his Death -bed: O that I had but one drop of Faith ! Ode of the motions which I have beene wont to have, but yet could not have them ! But died with thole defperate words in his mouth, I am damned. Therefore let us tike heed how w' lec fuch moi ens rife up like bubbles in us, and breake againe r ur goe out like fparkes upon ?Wet tinder, left often ch, citing, and fnibbing, and quenching the Spirit , in the end we be guilty of refrffjag the Holy Ghe¡t, and Gad fweare in bar