Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Mans Emptineffe. his wrath that we (hall not enter into his rift. [ Whereby the way obferve, that this Do&rine teacheth us not to be idle, and leave all to God, as they {lender it ]but as Paul maketh the Confe- goence, b eiule Cod worketh in you both the will and the deed, therefil worse out your Salvation with feare and trembling ; Arntinius contrarily, Our hives worke in our felves the Wit,', and the deed ; Therefore we need not wotke cut our Salvation wi h any fuch feare and follicitude,,fince we may doe it at our owns plea - fure and leifure. But it will be Paid, This is a hard cafe, although a man would repent, yet he cannot : though he defire to ferve God, yet it is impo(fible . `Therefore to take away this Scruple, we muff know that God is exceeding free & open- handed in giving grace ( if it may be taken in time) and if we will not beleive it, lohn commeth here and telleth you, I have received of bis Fuineffe, and not onely I, but all we have received, that is, all other Saints that either are, or hare beene: and fines Iobn's time, many thoufand thoufands : And (hall not fuch a Cloud of Wit- ne(fes perfwade us.? If a Beggar doe but In are cf an open Houle kept , or a great Dole, it affetts him, and invites him to goe: But when he fees many come from it with armes-full, and laps - full, and baskets -full, then he is confident : that áddeth wings to him ; So if a lick man doe but hears of a Famous Phyfitian or a healing Well,it ftirshim up to goe and try : But when he meets with too and i oco comming from the Well , and telling him I have beene there and am healed, I have beene there, and am made whole , then he maketh no queftion ; So doth Iohn here, All we have received of his Fulnefe: Like a Bird that hath found ont a ful heape and calls his fellows to it. Say not therefore, oh my finnca are fo great, and my wants are fo many : But rather thinke thus with your felves,lf there was grace enough for fo ma- ny, there is furely enough for me : onely you muff receive when it is offered, in the acceptable time, left often grieving the Spirir, God fuffers hi, Spirit to firive no longer. Gen. 6. 3. But ( as I Paid before) [wears is bis wrath that you [hall not enter into bis left. 2. If all grace be received, then let us be affebled as Receivers [ i. la tbankjullnes towards God ] the molt gracious are the molt gratefull. L. 2 In humility towards men 3 For what bave we that Ca we I5