Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Mans .Emptine fie. !as orationum fine dubie habuerunt. Bap in 'his 63. Epiflle faith, that in his time there were ',cronies ufed in the Neocefa- rean Churches, and Ambrofe in his time affirmeth : Vfum Le- taniarum ubique ej7 frequentem. Conflantine the Great prelcri- bed a let Forme of Prayer to his Souldiers, let downe by Eufebius in his fourth Booke. And Calvin in his 83. Epifile to the Prote&or of England faith, that he doth greatly allow a let Forme of EcclefiaflicaIl Prayers, which the Minifler (hould be bound to obferve. But as I Paid before of the lawfulnefl'e, there is little queftion. That whch is chiefely to be reprehended, is ofa ferret d;fefteeme of publique prayers ? By reafon of which, many negle& to come to them, and they which doe, doe it in a perfuuttory and over- ly manner, which is an extreame fault. Better were it , that men would come to this disjun &ion ; either it is lawfull to de them or not ; if not, why doe not they wholly abftaine, and if they be lawful!, why doe they not rife them conflantly, and in a reverent and holy manner. One thing there is, which if it were wel confidered, would breed in the hearts of men another efteem of our publique prayers then there is. And that is, that betides the end of obtaining the things we want (wherein yet publique prayer bath the promife)there is another end in praying,and that is to wor(hip God , and to performe a fervice tot hitn , for pro- ving of which, there are two places of Scripture un- anfwerable, Luke 2. 37. Hannah werfbiped God by faffing and prayers, the word ufed is aa.rgtveoet, which is the proper ward for worfhip, Alls 13. 2. They miniflered to the Lord and failed, the word riled is xelnyfyirews a whence the word Liturgy is derived. This me thinks.thould breed in the hearts of men a reverend elteeni of this duty. Betides, how firaight is that which is objeiked again(' the law - fulneffe of it, as that the Spirit is feinted, when we are fettered with words appointed. Anfw. The freedome of the Spirit (ands not fo much in the extent of the words, as the intenfnefle of the zeale wherewith they are uttered. Betdes if this argument wcre good, it would (well againit conceived prayer, for if he that hearth, bath a lar- ger fpirit then he that prayeth, there is to him the fame (tinting orre(traint. C 3 Againe. 1"7