Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

8 Chri fl s Fulneffe, and Mans Est ptinef . Againe it is obje &ed,that we cannot pray for òccafrónal meet- fides. Therefore we bind not only to a set forme , but men may, and ought tonic befdes,private prayer, wherein we may exnreffe our private, accidental , and particular occasions. And if they be more publique,there are prayers before and after Sermon, where- in the Minitier is left at more liberty; And if it be yet more ge- nerall belonging to the State or Church, we adde it to the pub lute prayers,as it is in the Gun- ponder- treat on, times of War, dearth, ec. But there needs not much be fa id to convince the judgment : that which is chiefly to be defired, is, that they may be better ob- ferved, and more efleemed, efpecially feeing our pubrque prayers be holy and good, ( and which thould be a greater inducement ) the Church bath commanded them i Aud if the Church be to be obeyed in indifferent chi lgs,as it is, much more in appointing of Gods owne Ordinance?. And if a set forme of prayer be lawfull, then the Lords Prayer mutt needs excel] , being di &aced by Chritf hlmfelfe, and is therefore to be more free quently ufed, and with all Reve. rance both in minde and geflure. Nor doth this want the pra&ife and approbation of the Ancient; it isOprianstpetch,Quanto efficaciut impetramus clued petimus Cbrifli nomine fi ipfïus Oratione pets- mus ?And Saint uIu uJfine, Difcite& retinete orationem Dominicam, ut inter omnes fitnElos Coniôno ore pro feratii. Thus if we (hall (hew our felves affeAed as Receivers, in ufing both publike and private prayer, we (hatl find that fucceffe which,Jobn and the tell found, who ofhis fulnefre received Grace for Grace. ;'.