84 SER.. IV. Rom.s,io. z Deniall of God. Tit i.ulc. Thoughts re- fleet. Thoughts di- re& That the Nature of man it full of wifhes with all his heart that therewere no fuch God, no fuck badge. Now if thou wifheft God were not, certainly thou hateft God ; whenwe with a man not to be, to be taken out of the nature of things, out of the fubftftence of being, this man we properly hate ; and thus every man hates God. T herefore,Rom, 5. r o. the Apostle fpeaking generally of mankind, (ayes, When you were enemies. It is the condition of every man, he is an enemie to God, and fins out of enmity, and what obediencehe performes is out of a falfefer- vile feare; that is the firft. Secondly, that is not all, but bee denyes God, de. thronesHim, and fets up another god; naturall men . little thinkethey doefo; when they follow their Co- vetoufneífc,Lufts, Honours, Ambitions, they little thinke they doe it; But they doe, Tirrss i. ult. They profe/fe that they know God,but in their workes they deny Him. When they are charged with this, that they thinke there is no God, and told of the greatneffe of the fault,as. it is the greateft treafon to deny the King to be the King, this Atheifme every man is ready to ditclaime, he thinkes it is not fo with him : But I be- feech you confider,there be two kindes of Thoughts in a mans heart, forne we call reflex thoughts, when a man thinkes a thing, and knowes that he thinkes it other we call direr thoughts,which are in the heart, but a man knows it nor; and thefe mutt be found out by the anions, for they are difcovered by thefruits. But God that knows the meaning of the fpirir,knows likewife the meaning of the flefh: Now, faith the Texr,theyprofef e they knowHim,but in deeds they deny Him, that is in truth they.deny God, there bee cerraine