Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Table. as we obferve or neglect this 7Jfe i. ¡Trseth 197 To labour to fee JCod in his great- neap 144 Dog, 6. Göd bath revealed íó much tö eve- : ry man as makes him Inexcu- fable, 201 Exsufes that men frame to them, felves 203 Vfe I , To juffibe Gad, and tô blame our (elves, 215 Vfe 2: To give Cod the glory of his long - fuffering. 218 The Contents of the Ser.. mon before the Commons geai fe of Polliwog. FAffing neceffary, 2 3o Faff defined, 23o Defects in Failing, 23 x Doti. r: God only doth Good and Evill, 2 Foure ConviElions to demon- 'hate it, 236 Real. T. Elfe god were not God, 243 Rear. 2. Elfe the Creature fhould be God, 243 Yfe s: Tò Tooke to God in all our bufi- Yfe 3. TO fet Faith on worke to judge ôf thefe things, 25 3 Dog. 2: Sinne caufeth Wrath, 252 Gods Wrath a treafure, in three refpects, ZS 3 Vfe: TO fee Sinne in the efreas of it , 255 How to prevent Gods Wratb, 258 DoEi,3; Zeale turnes away Wrath, 2I2 Yfe z. Not to difcourage thofe that bee Zealous, 265 Foure convietians of our want of Zeale, 367 Tog. Want of Zeal° makes Gon s A 2 jealoufie