The Table. jealoutie grow }i©erer, 277 Do61.5. j ealoctfe for the mol{ part (hall proceed to utter dettruCtion, 2 7 8 VA. Tó learne to Fearep 279 Parte DoEt. Iufiifi.catian and Sanc`tifacation areinfeparable, 285 How Saniriificìxtien a_ rifèth from iafiifcation' 2 86 esf.'s. one raved by the fecond efydam, that are not borne of hip, 297 Real. 2. It is the Will of Clod Rol 6. All,the meanes of Grace tend this way, 3òo VfeI; To pray for Sanf1ificatipi; 300 Six encouragements to Pray for 301 ore t: To efteerne Santtification as iiigh- ly as Ixftific4tion _ 311 The excellency of grove;.: 31i V/c 3. To take heed of challenging I tfii- filiation without Sancti filiation,' 318 Foure lignes of a New Creature, 298 Real. 3. It. is the end of our Zngrafling in- to Chrií'1`, Z99 Rtdf 4, It is the'end of Chrifla canming, 299 af') Chrifl is Prophet and King where he is a `Prteft) 299 322 New Creaturewhat, 33 2 The Heart new framed, 333 The Converration changed, 336 A new quality of Holine f fe infu -'.: fed, 340 Old man what, 34¢ Mortification of the Old man, 3 5 3 Where God pardoneth he healeth finne, 3 57 Firf }, it (lands with Gods Honor, Secondly, with our Comfort, 3Ìbí. Thirdly, with Gods Service, Ib. Dye. Thofe that arein Chrifl have ano- ther ,Nature, 363 Üfe