Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

againff all unrighteoufnef of men. there is a power of His wrath, Pfalrm. 90. r i . Who knows the power of thine anger ? That is, it is not a wrath like the wrath of men, but a wrath that bath much power init; fo that looke how much G o D is ftronger than man, fo much doth His wrath exceed the wrath of men. G o D fhewes all His power in executing His Iuftice on the wicked: Therefore, it is faid, Rom.9.22. What if G o n, willing to Phew His wrath,and to make His power known, endured with much long - hiering the vef/els of wrath fitted to deftrullion ? That is, He will Phew His mightic power in punifh- ing them, as He fhewes the great riches of the glory of His mercy on the Saints. G o D is knowne by executing Iudgement, and the greatneffe of G o D is knowne by the greatneffe of the punifhmentinflisúîed, and you (hall know Him to be an Almightie G o D as well in punifhment as in mercy ; there is a tran- fcendent power exercifed in one as well as in the o- ther : Therefore it is laid, Who knows the power of His wrath ? You know the wrath of a King is great, becaufe he is powerfull; and how much the power of G o D exceeds the power of a King, fo much His wrath exceeds the wrath of a King. It is therefore compared to a confuming fire that devoures all, to the wind that breakes the Rocke in funder, and to an over - flowing River that carries all away with it. Confider G o D therefore in the greatneffe of His power, for fuck is He in His wrath. Thirdly, confider the fuddtnneffe of it, it comes fuddenly on men, and that mks it the more feare- full : If G o D gave warning, it were another cafe, but Hee furprifcs men before they be &ware. It isi true, 107 SE L. I V. Rom.9.az5. 3. The fuJden- mi e of ir.