1 $3111.;. I !. Simile. Simile. pcoT.I.i1. There is a Xevelation of wrath true that Damnation fleepes nor, but travels as fail as thy felfe, and will meet with thee at thy journeyts end, but men know it not. Therefore, when you fee this to be your cafe : What makes you fecure r You feele it not, you have -no fenfe of evill, you live by fenfe, and not by faith. But confider, wrath comes fuddenly,whieh is enough to awake a man out of his fleepe of fecurity ; for let him thus reafon, if GOD meant to fave me, He would give mee no rat in fin; for whom Bee intends to fave, Hee afflias'before- hand, that they may not perifh with the world, but thofe that will goe with the world He fufl'ers togoe. That is a terrible Paying in the fief¿ Booke of Simnel, the third Chapter and eleventh verfe, fpeaking of Hophni and Phinew, faith God, When t begin, i will make an end,and this is the fentence of all thewicked. It is (mall comfort that you are free, it being with you, as with them that be feldome ficke, that when they be ficke, for the mofI part die for it. When all things goe well with the wicked, then the wrath of God comes like an Earth quake, which by reafon of the winds being inclofed in the bowels of the earth, hath a calme preceding it ; and fo there is a calme in mens f pitits, before the Earth -quake of God's wrath comes, and then it is as a theefe in the night, who conies when they be in a dead flef-pe, and lealt looke for him : After this manner, comes the wrath of God on the wicked, as it is threatned, Prov. 1.27. There f hall come on themfidden de folarion, and dern. ¿lion f hall over -take them as a whtrle-wind, it {hall fur. prize them on a fudden; and this may make them to tremble, when they confider that fn is attended with