againf all unrighteouJneffe, of men. 109 with defiruìion; when they fin, either God puni(hes SER. I V them preienc ly, and then there is fmall caufe of joy, for the bitterneffe is more than the pleafure, or elfe He lets them alone, and there is nothing in theworld worfe than to thrive in finne, for then defiruetion will come fuddenly. The ufe then you are to make of it, is, Firti, to ;To z. teach you to fee what fin is, in that it hash the wrath See what fin is. of God for its Concomitant. We are apt to make a mocke of frnne, we are ready to flight fin, and to lay it in the light ballante of Common opinion, and not in the ballance of the Santuary, and fo we come to be deceived : Therefore this word,Revealed,mufl be marked,it intimates that we are backward to take no- tice of ir; except the Lord reveales His wrath from heaven, and take us in hand to convince us of fin, to thew us our corruption in its owne colours, for wee looke on thefe things by a falfe light. Thinke with your felves therefore,what that mutt be which God punifhes with eternall punifhment.See what it is in the punifhment of C x x i S T our Surety, thinke what that is that brought C H i< r s r from heaven,whatthat is that cati chofeAngels into hell, to be bound in chaînes of everlatting darknefle. Againe, fee it, as you ufe to fee it in the day of Death, for then men are commonly awake, fee how it is then prefented, if it be not then terrible. A gaine, judge of fin as men enlighrned doe looke to holy men how they judge of frnne; And,which is without exception,fee how the Scripture prefents fin with this Concomitant, the wrath of God,as an evill, and bitter thing. See the Prophet ieremte,chc fecond Chapter,