Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

112 There its a P evelation of wrath SEß. i V. Vfe 3. Goe to Chrift. night, unto him, untill the crie entred into the cares oft he Lord. The cry of finne is like thecty of an Hireling, to whom the jufl Mafler,whenthe day is finifhed,payes fuck wages as he deferves : So a firmer, when his time comes, is remembred before G o n ; though wrath hath beene reítrained for a time, yet now it (hall feaze on him. We should leatneby this to humble our (elves. And laftly,if wee finde the wrath of God, and no way to el-cape it, then goe to C x R t s T : for thefe two things we mull doe: Firfi, we mull have our mouthes flopped, that fo all men may be culpable before Him. Secondly, we mull be Phut up in prifon, He fhuts up all under finne,that the promife might be to them that beleeve; when a man is (.hut up under the wrath of G o n, fo that there is no evafion, this will bring him in. Indeed, if the minde of a man can finde any way to get out, he will never come in to C x st i s T. But when he ¡hall not tell how tofcape the wrath of G o n, if he fin againfl man, man (hall judge him;', but who fhall,when he fins againfl Gone If he con- fider the Terrour of G o n's wrath, if he be (hut up, and his mouth flopped, and he left inexcufable, and (haul fee him felfe a miferable man ; I fay, this will make him goe home to CHRIST. And that is the ufe you fhould make of it, and be fure He will receive you, if you goe to Him. Sinne is like the firy Serpent, and the Wrath o G o n likethe Sting, when you are wounded there- with,