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with -hold the Truth in unrighteou/nejje. the godly, as many times Blazing-flars goe beyond Itrue Starres for light,; fo may tilde exceed the god - f ly in outward appearance. Fourthly,there is not only all this wrought with- in them, but they doe many times expreffe it in their actions. Come to their lives, they are able to doe many things; as it is laid of Herod,he heard John glad. ly, and did many things : So the fecond and third ground, as they knew something, fo they praálifed according to their knowledge. In their p.rforman- ces they may not come fhort of any of the godly, and may for, a long time have as faire, fpecious, and probable fhewes of goodneffe as any. Fifthly and Iaftly, they may goe thus farre, they may have two men in them, as well as regenerare men, one that contends for the Truth, the other that refills it. And what ftronger figne is there in regene- rate men, to evidence their regeneration, than this Contention betweene the flefh and the fpirit r Yet this may be found in them, there may be thong In. clinations to that which is good, and a reffance of it. This Truth may lye in their bref, as a fire that would rife, and breake our, but much quench.cole, and wet ftuffe within may keepe it downe; fo that there may be, and are two men in the civill man, as well as in the regenerate. Now to !hew how farre they fall (port of them that be truly fanoified. Firft,in matter of light and underftanding that they have, you (hall finde a dou- ble difference. Firft, though in the Truths they know they goe exceeding far, as I have fhewed you, yet in this they fall 141 SERM.V. In their afti- ons. In their Con. fftfts. 2. How farre they fall fhort. I In light and s Iderfiau- i 1e. In two things.