143 SER. I. z They under- aand not Gods fecrets. r Cor... 14. Pct. 4.4. The b eft' men before re'eneration, fall Thor t,that they undo :and not the reacts of God. There be certaine feerers which G o D reveales to none but to them that feare Him : There is force - thing in thefe Truthes that civil] men doe not under - (land. Confider that fpeech (poker: by our S A Y I O u r to .lerrafalcm,0 Ierufalern that thou Alegi knowne B the things belonging to thy peace, but now they are hid from thine eyes ! What was hid from theme Not the things themfelveslimply confidered, for they were ' fully revealed, CHRIS r himfelfe Preached there, there wanted no light to Thine to them ; yet it was hid from their eyes , that is, there was a certaine fecrer, which, if G o D had revealed, it would have perfwaded them to have turned to Him effc&aily, but that was hid from their eyes, and fo they were (rangers fromthe life of God. So the life of holineffe and religion thefe men underfland not,there is force- thing fpirituall which they cannot comprehend. Their light goes as farre as it may; when a man hath a naturall, a common light, it will apprehend com- mon objeóïs, fuck as are futable to it, it apprehends ; but that which is fpirituall, it cannot reach unto. e..4 naturali man underf#andeth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are fßiritually drfcerned, that is, the very thing wherein the Image of God confias, wherein true holineffe expreffeth it Iclfe, they doe not underftand. Therefore it feemes a Grange thing to them (as in r Pet.4.4.) that others runne not into the fame exceffe of ryot. It feemes orange, ( now marke that word) nothing feemes ftrange, but when a man is ignorant ofîts caufe, is not acquainted with ir, and therfore he is flili finding fault with it.There- fore_