170 ......r .-,.. SE a. VII vfc r To Thew the hainonfnelfe of mens finnes againft this Truth. The Lam of mans judgement his workes,by Scripture,by the faithful]. Thirdly,it is God that makes it knowne, therefore not a decci veable truth, not a fancy, or dreame, but to purpofe, . therefore you muff not negleEtir, in obferving it is happindl , and in breaking of ir, you fhall finde there will come ruine, and deftrudion, and mifery upon you. Now we will come to make ufe of it: Firft, if there l e fbch a Truth made knowne to them by God Himfelfe ; then learne hence ro aggravate your fins, to know the greatneffe of the guilt of your finnes : Hence we may learne to know, that the loofeneffe and licentioufñc-fle men take to themfelves againft this Truth is more defperate, and hainous,and inex- cufable : for God Himfelfe hath made it knowne to them : For every precept of men is of more or leffe moment,according to the quality of the Author,the Law is to bee valued according to the perfon that gives the Law, therefore mens Lawes are offomc moment,but Gods Lawes are of more moment: This Truth is molt prefect in Scripture,when CHRIST preacheth the Word, he fait h, every fin is encreafed that is committed againft this Word : When ionsrs came to Ninïveh, it had beene a great fin if they had not relented, God would have vifited them for neg- leding the word of Ionw, but a greater than I »-t4 ú here, faith Chrift: So the Queen of the South came to heare the wifedome of Salomon, but a greater than Salomonis here: that is,every fin committed againft this Truth, is out ofineafure finfull. Therefore, it they that breake Mofes Law (hall dye under two or three witnt ífes, how (hall they efcape that negle 1 to great