164 The Lal), of mans judgement SE R. VII.; give that which may fttengthen and encreafe ir. Thirdly,I will name but the third,and that is when Cafe 3 , a man is paff this degree,and is come to be willing to In not acting I know all Truths, doth not defire to have any con_ and prafti(ìng cealed from him, doch not fay to the Prophets, pro. the Truth, by the ufe of phecy nor but is willing to be informed to the full meaner. yet when he hath it he ads it not, he doth not exer. cife,nor pradife this Truth : That is another degree of with - holding it.And this is a frequent cafe; for a man may know and be informed in all Truths, yet Ithey may lye there unufed,and unated,they may lie there idle : Now when a man is not willing to pra- chi fe the meanes by which thefe Truths are ufed, he Both properly wit h-hold the Trxth in unrighteoufnef fe: As for example, the way to at the Truths we have, 1 to ftir them up,to blow up thefe coales,to bring them to prefent memory, fo as they may bee brought to preCent practice, is the Communion of Saints, the company of holy men that when a man hath forgot, godly company may bring to mind againefo fre- quent reading and hearing thcfe doe ad the Truth ; for the end of our Miniftery is not only to make you to know theft things, but to bring thofe things to minde which you have forgot ;if we will not ufe,but ncglet the means of ailing the truth,then we with- hold it, So for privateprayers,whereas.a man fhould pbring his heart to G o n every day, fhould doe it t throughly, fhould call himfelfe to a reckoning for e- veryin, for all forts, of Ouiiflions, or of Commit. 1 fions, this is a meanes toad this Truth, this good purpofe and inclination,this fparke which God hath kindled, were it not for this, they would be raked up in