Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

_ 1 T is viQ a- nteft by God. in Ales againe ; nó ming- prayer in a devout and fervent manner,deit ven them,whereas to doe things for fafhion, or tb-fatiffie naturali confcience, and not throughly,is to gegle them; fo that when a man Both not pra6tife, nor exercife the Truths he hath(as the very exercif4ickens them again )when hcc doth negleft any of the meanes by which thefe coales are blowne up, by which thefe Truths arc to be flirted up, he properly imprifons the Truth. Let no man fay,$utwhen a man impriffens a thing, objet. he barres the dooré,but to let the Ttuth.lye is a mat- ter of negligence, how is it thenaìrimprifoning Yes, it is an imp_ifótiing, a ferptifing of it, as it is with fire, if it have not a vent, though you call no water upon it, yet you p.. U t out; ars big ßìe dot Crary fide, if you give it vent, you encreafe it ; fo Of guilty in this cafe of murdering the Truth, of putting it out : As in any Art that t Man learns, if he let his Art or Trade lie Rill and unufed,hc forgets it,fo click Truths are extinguifhed, wlen a man is not diligent in ufing all meanes of grace. Tile receiving of the Sa. crament is a meanes to quicken and'A,t thefe truths; falling and prayer,when God cálls for it,s a meanes to quicken ch j ; goe through all meanes which God' hath ordainedhtto put us m minde of thefe Truths,and fo farre as you neglec`l the meanes, fo farre you de- taine thefe Truths in unriihteoufnail'e. 185` SER. VII. The end of the Seventh Semm. C E R-