Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

190 Ssß.VIll C,se5. In removing impediments. The Law of 'Hans judgement fee cl ere is droffe, and when they fee ir, they labour to purge it by repentance : It is quite contrary with the other, the more they fall into fin, the more they fuffocate the Truth ;their falling into fin, gives finne more ground,it makes them more in love with finne, it is the more prevalentelgainfl them, the more they delight in it; fo that eett:`y fin is like the Sea, getting ground of the Land, which they know not how to recover ; So this is the fourth way,by frequent quen- ching of good motions, by ill company, and falling into fin, they doe harden their hearts, and fo fuffo. care and quench this Truth. The fifth way is, when we do not remove the im- pediments,which ifthey were taken away,the Truth would rife, and fhew it felfe, for that is it,that keepes downe the Truth ; God bath written it plaine e. nough on mens hearts,but when we let duff and foil(' lye on it, we cannot re :de it : This idlencifeand La- zineffe fuffcring theft impediments to lye on you, to cover the Truth in you, is to with-hold the Truth. Therefore Seneca path a notion in this Cafe,though hee was an Heathen ; the foule of man, were it free from paffìons and diffralions, and were quiet,truth thould bee faene clearely, as you fee a penny, or a fione in a cleare River, fo Truth would appeare: Doe but remove the impediments that commonly rife from us, and which Satan injets,and this Truth will 1h w it felfe : for th. fewords (they with- holJ the truth) Phew that the Truth is ready enough of ir felfe to come forth. Now there bee certaine impediments which wee remove nor,and they are thefe two; either bufìneffe, and