Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

is made mani felt by God. 19 and from thence proceeds feare,and care,and griefe, SEILV 111. or elle recreations, and the pleafures and joyes that ,come from them , one of there two are alway the im- pediments. Firff, for bufineffe,when a man takes too much on ''him,cven more than he is able to weald,or loth give 'himfelfe to too much feare, and care, and griefe, which are contrary to this Truth, as Luke t. it is the promife that wee fhould ferve him in bolàne ffe and righteoufne all our dayes without feare : But let a man bee filled with carn all feare, it fuppreff th the Truth, and keepes it downe. So for Care, Philip. 4. Caft your care on God, for he caret h for you ;and the peace of God whichpaffi f -th all underffanding,¡hall keepe your hearts and mindes in Ghril refits The meaning is, if you will care for your own matters,pcfter your fclves with cares and perplexities, it will interrupt your Communion with Chrift Iefus, it will intcr rupt your peace, and if your peace,then your Corn- munion with Chrif} ; therefore he exhorts them to cart their care on Chrift. So for Griefe, it is a great hindcrance, the Ifraelites could not hearken to Motes for the anguifh of their hearts, and bee that mindes things too much,pierceth himfelfe thorow with for rowes ; this was the thingthat fuffocated the third ,ground, they were kept downe,partly with care,and partly with divers lufts : t'btartha was troubledwith many things : Therefore take heed of too much bu- fincfle, or intending it too much, or inordinately. Secondly , Sports, hlcafures, and recreations, things wherein men delight too much, thefe arc im- pediments to the Truth, if any of thefe get predo minancv