Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

19z The Law of mans judgement SE R.VIII, minancy in your mindes, they hinder this Truth, if you will fet at liberty., remove this impediment; di- vers lulls keepe it downe, as cares, as we may fee in the third ground : And Efay i. Woe bee to you that laugh; If there were not fomething in this inordi- nate mirth and jollity that keeper downe the Truth, why fhould that be added: and the removal' ofthere Impediments is of great coníequence. For there may be many hundreds of men which perhaps,have not fo ill meanings with them, yet are carried away with the tract of vanity, that are not Ib oppofire to the Truth, as forgetful) of it, that doe noio much re fit} it, as negled it, that yet keepe downe the truth. Thefe men partly bufied with cares,partly intent on pleafures, death flail come upon them as a theefe in the night, and (hall lead them captive to hell, becaufe they held this Truth captive, which had they fet at liberty, it would have fet them at liberty, free from death and condemnation: That is the fifth Cafe. Cafe 6. The fixth Cafe wherein they withhold this Truth in unrighteoufneffe, is, when they have it, and doe not ufe it, and communicate it to the good-of others,and herein many falle: As firf#,Minifiers that have their charge, yet doe either Non refadere,or'igniter refide- re; but that concernes not this Auditory : Therefore 1 will not meddle with it ; but it concernes not only them,but common Chrifians likewife: When men are converted, a charge )yes on them to endevour to convert their brethren, they fhould labour to ufe this Truth, to kindle it in others, the ncglefl thereof is a fuppreffing of it ; for there is a charge laid upon them,that according to their meafure,in their fphcre, according