Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

1 is made manifefi by God. according to their meafure,intheir fphere,according to their callings, they fhould endevour as much as they can to enlarge this Truth: So likevvife Mafters offamilies are bound to do it; (hall he be worfe than an Infrdell,that provides not food for his family,and flzall it not bee a greater fin in him that provides not fpiritualfoodt'doth it not concerne him in private,as well as the Minifler in publike r Was it not that wth God tooke fpeciall notice of in Abraham, i will mot hide it from Abraham,forhe willinfIrruci his family,and his fins ,andt/ey'hall know the wayes of the Lord: Ther. fore when they negle& this charge,they withhold . Truth in unrighteouf,nes: So Patrons of livings,ifthey doe not their part to bring faithful' labourers into the Viaeyard,and uphold them when they are there,tley with -hold the truth in unrighteoujnefe; for they hinder it, though it bee not their calling properly to bring forth fruit (for that is the Minifters) yet it is their part to uphold them. It is the Vine that brings forth the Grapes, but the Prop is to hold it up: So it is the office of Patrons to fuftaine Miniffers in the Lords - Vineyard : Likewife Lawyers and Advocates have a charge to minifter:the Truth, not to choake it: It is the office of luftice, to redifie the Truth, and not to adulterate ir, but to informe rightly, and pro - perly,when they do e not difcover the Truth,they do with -hold the truth. if they fhould not labour to doe Í that, it were a hurtfull calling; but there is no calling that is not for the benefit of men, but if it bee thus ufed to conceale the truth, it were hurtfull, and not ufefull: fo likewife they that be Governours, Iufti- ces of Peace in the Country, they with -hold this Troth, RATE SEß.VIil.