The Law of mans iudd,ement Truth, if they pertorme not their duties diligently for this Truth : As it is committed to us Miniffers to preach it, fo it is committed to you, that arc Go- vernours,to bring men into the obedience of ir, you are to goe your way by the Sword,and by your Au. thoriry, for it is committed to your keeping, as it is faid of the great Magistrate, he is Cuflos utrru flue ta- 6ula ; you muff looke that Truth have his pro - greflè, as well as that the common- wealth fuffers no detriment : Therefore kt not your Authority lye as a Sword in a {cabbard,but let ir be kept fharpe, to cut downe Popery,and whatfoever is an Impediment to this Truth, and thinke it no (mall thing to neglea it ; for whatfocver fins arc committed, which you have Authority to reffraine, thefe figs are put on your reckoning: Look on the firflEpitfle of Timothy,the fifth Chapter, and the two and twentieth verfe, Lay hands on no man fuddenly (faith the Apoffle) and bee not partakers of another mans fins : If any bee under thee whom thou haft to doe with, if thou doeif not bring him in, and rcffraine him, thou art partaker of his fins; you know what was faid to Ahab, Thy life /hall go for his life;and you know that not to (tike the Nocent, is as abominable in Gods fight, as to flrike the Innocent : Therefore take heed of negledling it, whether it bee out of feare, (as that is one Impedi, ment)or out ofnegligence,Ro. 1 2.8. Let them that rule doe it diligently, &c. As if that were a thing wherein givers are too blame, that they doe it not cheerefully and diligently: Therefore bee you diligent in your places, to let the Truth at liberty, to bring men into f ibjcaion to it, fo farre as maybe : And fo,much !hall