Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

err - is made manifefi by God. (hall ferve for this, being the fixth Cafe. Now the feventh and lafl cafe, is, when we know there Truths of God, and doe not profeffe them, when God kindled a light, and you put it under a bufhell : When God worketh Grace in any mans heart, his Intent is, it fhould thine forth to the eyes of others, you muft not Phut up the windowes, that no body may fee; if you doe, whatfoever your re- ['peels be; you withhold the Truth inunrighteoufnefe: He that fhallknow the Truth, and out of feare thall not profeffe it openly, this fearc is a fin, and hee that with-holds it out of that refped, with -holds it in too. righteoufne ; It is that which God requires of ne. ceffity, with the heart wee bcleeve, and with the mouth we confe& to falvation, God requires the one as well as the other; this is that, that (hut out the Pharifees, the chiefe men among theRulers that be- leeved, they duríl not confeffe him for fare of the Pharifees,you fbali fee a brand fet on them,they loft their foules for it. Therefore doe not fay a man may keepe Religion to himfelfe,may have a good mande, and be devout in fecret,and that to bring it to view is hyporcifie,it is not fo, it is a falle opinion; In doing fo, you robbe God of his glory, and your Rives of falvation: It is the bearing witneffe to the Truth, which you are bound unto, and you cannot have this Truth in you, but it will appeare, Grace cannot bee. concealed, it cannot be hid ; and if it could, yet you; muft know that the very concealing of this Truth, puts an imputation on it; for we conceale nothing!' but what wee are afhamed of, and Chame implyes (you know) that there is fomething amiffe ; fo than O 2 though 195 SE 7.