The Law of mans judgement though you little thinke of ir, this concealing of the Truth, this hidirtg.of ir, is a degree to blalphemy, it layes an imputation on the Holy Ghofl, for it doth on the light and Truth which is an etfed of the Holy Ghofl : Therefore know God delires both, hee will have the infide cleane, and the outfide tot) ; indeed, if the infide be cleane, the outfide will be fo allo, but it is not true on the contrary ; A man may have a cleane outfide, as in Matthen'the three and twentieth Chapter, Make the infide cleane,t hat the grit jide may be cleane a /: The meaning is, Ifa man have a cleane in fide,it is not po!fible but a cleane outride wil follow: It is true,there may be leaves, and no fruit, but there can be no fruir,but there wil be leaves;many counter- feit peeces may look yellow : but there is no gold but it lookes yellow : do not fay then it is hypocrifie,in them that profeffe Religion, for they would not take the profeffion of thefe things to themfelves,but that they fee a beauty, and excellency in them. Therfore confider ir,& know there lyesa neceffity on you; do you think it unequal' that God fhould be afhamed of you,and will you be afhamed of him e Is he fuch a Father,that his children fhould be afbam:ed of him e or Inch a Mailer as we fhould be afhamed to weare his Livery e Doe thisto earthly Maflers, ar:d fee how they will take ir. Indeed if there were not tome Joffe to men in undertaking this profeffion, we need not fpend fo much time to pre& men to it, but there is a lofre in proféffìng the Truth ; you may lofe many friends, and procure many enemies, un- der goe many croffes, lofe many benefits and prefer - ments, which you might have had, this Chart tells you