is made manifeft by . God. 197 you before-hand,but if you love hina,you muff deny SEß.11III. your felves in thefe. They breed an enmity in men, inftance that place of Ahab, Haft thou found me, Oh mine 4nemy ? ciind am I your enemy, becaufe I tell you the Truth ? All men fliall hate you fir my Names fake : And the more the Truth appeares, the greater is the hatred, becaufe the objet of hatred is greater. But,if you obje& what is the reafon Peter faith,' Pet 3. x 3 . Wi 11 any man deny to follow that which is good ? I anfwer, there is a double good, and that is profi- table to man, as to bee Iufi, Meeke, Gentle, Patient, ready to doe good ; in a word, all goodneffe of this kinde men will love you for; but there is another thing in Religion, and that is praaice of true Righ- teoufneffe, and holines, and that crofles men: there. fore St. Peter addes, Bleffed are yee, if yee finer for righteoufnefe fake : As if flee had laid, though for your goodnefle men love you, yet for your righte- oufnefle you muff fuffer per(ecution; therefore that muff be made account of before-hand and you muff be ready to beare it : So much fhal ferve to fèt down the Cafes, Wherewith men wit h-holdthis Truth is un- righteoufne . Fourthly, if there be fuck a Truth made knowne to us by God Himfelfe, then in the obfcrving of this Truth, looke forhappinefle,in the tranfgreifing of it expel mifery, ruine and deffruCion: If God that is the Governour, the Sumum bonum, (hall appoint the truth, and let man a Law, whatfoever that Law is, in obferving of that Law, there is happineffe: It is fo -with every creature, he hath given every creature a.`. Law, and fo long as he keepes to that, he is in a good 0 3 condition objea. .2nfrr. Yfe q.. o.