Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Law of mans judgement condition and Rate: Now the Law given to us is _-,-____ this truth, in obferving it thou (halt keep,thy happincffe; take heed therefore of departing from it, whenfoever a man departs from it he is deceived, and no man will willingly be deceived. ojet. But, you will fay, a man is not deceived in fin, for I know it is a fin. Anfrv, Yes, in this thou art deceived, no man commits a finne,but at that time he thinkes ir better that he com- mit it, and worfc that he abftaine from ir, and in this thou art deceived Go thorow all the Scripture,and finde anyone fin there recorded, and fee if the party be not a lofer : Coe to Jeroboam, did he not lofe his o1 1 Kingdome by that, by which he thought to fave it e t goc to ii du,to Gehezi,was it not their ruiner I fay, every man is deceived ; as it was laid of Eve, Eve tvau deceived; fo it may be Paid of all the formes of Adam, when they commit a fin they are deceived. objet. But if you objc6i, if/am was not deceived, i Tim. 2. The woman road deceived, but the man was net. e.4nfw. I anfwer,the meaning ic,there is an immediate de- ceiving, when a man is merely coozened, becaufe there is a fault in his reafon, and for that mifrakes a thing, and fo was Eve onely deceived, fhe being the weaker : But there is a fecond kinde, when a man is not immediately deceived, but tranfported by a lufl, and that was Adams Cafe; and that lull arifes from deceit : Suppofc it be a lull of envy that tranfports a man to a fin,although that doch not immediately de. ceive, yet this (as all fins) arifes from errour. There- fore when any temptation comes, fee if it be a fin ; if it be a fin, be lure thou art deceived,and though thou cant}