is made manifèft by God. cana not find out thedeceit,yet remember it is there, Ephef. 4. you fhall finde thefe put together, The old man is corrupt through lufls proceeding from deceit, and /e renewed in the f )irit of your minutes after the Image of God in holineffe and righteoufnefe, which comes from the Spirit of Truth ;you (hall finde there is not a tuft but it comes from deceir,and not any holineffe,but it comes from a reifying of the Apprehenfion and from Truth ; for in thefe two things (marke it) the Image of God and Satan confia : The Image of God confiffs not only in holineffe, but in truth ; therefore the Image of God is renewed in holineflè proceeding from Truth : As on the contrary fide the old man doth not onely ffand in Tufts, but in deceit, from whence the luft comes. Therefore take heed of that deceit, and know this, when any fin is committed, it is contrary to Truth, to the Law, to this knowledge, and let that be an-Argument againft it. I cannot ftand to preffe it more : So much fhall ferve for this point. l99 SEE.VIII. . The end of the Eighth Sermon. Oq. CER-