201 SER. CERTAI1`IE ERMONS IYP0N HVMII,IATIQN. The Ninth SERMON. ROMAN S I. 19,20. Forafinuch as that zvhicl, may be knowne of God, is man'i fe.t in them,, for God bath lhe wedit unto them. For the in vi f ble things of bim,tbat is ,his eternal power and God-head are clearly feene.by the crea- tion of the morld,being con fidered in his Zvorkes, to the intent that they fhould be lvithout occult., He third point then which now re- maims to be handled, is this, There is fo much revealed to every m in,as will make him inexcufable : We fce the words are clear, God hash made it knowne to them by the Creation, by his workes, to the intent they /hould be without excufe ; or if you will tranflate 3. There is fo much revealed', to every man as will make him inc cu., fable,