Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Law of mans judgement rranflate it, To that they are without excufe, the wards will beare either. There is fu much revealed then, as will make every man inexcufable : For the manifef ation of this Truth,go no furtherthan this Chapter. Firh,confider, God hath made Himfelfe known to every man by his workes of Creation, this is the bootee every man may reade,this is expofed to eve- ry mans eye, it is a language which every man un- derflands. Secondly, you (hall fee what they doe, they did not glorifie him as God,neither were thankefull,but became vaine in their imaginations, and their foo- lifh hearts were full of darkeneife; that is their car - riage towards God. Thirdly, when God doth behold this carriage in them, he gives them up to a reprobate fenfe,, to vile affeElions, to their hearts lulls, till they be full of all unrighteoufneife, as it is expreffed in the lat- ter end of the Chapter, becaufe they regarded not to know God, he delivered them up to a reprobate minde,to doe things uncomely,being full of all un- righteoufneffe. And if you markethis prophecie, you fhall fee how God is excufed, and how all the world is inexcufable: Firfi, God did that which was fufficient on his parr, he made him felfe knowne. Secondly,they did wilfully and flubbornely de- fpife this knowledge, they regarded not to know God, nor pradiifed according to knowledge, but provoked Him with their fannes, and became vaine, making no confcience of offending Him : Then comes