Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

204 The Lan' of mans judgement S X. be affeóed to him as God, I muff worfhip him with all reverence as God ; but the muff ignorant man confeffes there is a God, no Nation denyes ir, but how farre are they from glorifying him as God :' from 'carrying themfelves towards an cAl- mighty God maker of heaven and earth ? Exeuf 2. But fecondly, the fecond pretence is, but God God requires requiresmore of me than that; if that were enough more know- to know God that there is an invifible God to ac- ledge than > > men have of knowledge the Deity and eternall Power, it were him well,but God requires more. 4nfv. To this I anfwer, God requires no more of any man than either hee doth know, or might have known goe thorow the whole Vniverfe, all men of the world that are or have beene, and I fay,God requires of no man more than either he doth know, or might have knowne: I put that in, becaufe there be many men that might know more than they do, Cpoken of, 2 Pet.3.5. Some there are that are willingly ignorant : He meaneth men that are willinglyig- norant of fome things, but it is all one as if they The inexcur.t- knew them. And this makes men of this Nation blenetïc of inexcufable as your ignorant Countrey- people, norant trey people. who though they know nothing, yet becaufe they might have knowne, they are as inexcufable as if they had knowne as much as any; for though every Parifh have not a preaching Miniffer, (which is a thing much to be will-led) yet there is no Countrey but fome light is fet up in ir, whither they may re- fort if they will, and this will make them inexcula- ble : So they that live under much meaneF, that are ever learning, and never come to the knowledge of the