Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

is made mani fell by God. the Truth, and fo have brought a fottifhneffe on themfelves, they are inexcufable, becaufe them - felves arethe caufe of their not profiting, as a man that is drttnke, though he is not able to underfland the commands of his Mafter,yet becaufc he was the fluff Author of the drunkenneffe, (which caufed filch fottifhneffe)he is inexcufable; fo they that neg- led the Word, or when the Word enters not into the hearr,becaufe men delight not in it,(as you fhàll finde thefe put together, Prov.2. i o.When wifedome enters into thy fo hie, and knowledge delights thee) when the caufe that men profit not, is becaufe they delight in other things, the freame runnes another way; and fo as the Swine puts out fire, and the out- ward heat extinguifheth the inward heat, fo they doe drive out the Word by divers lulls, when they might have abflained from thofe other delights, and have attended to the Word with more dili- gence, they are inexcufable : So that God requires no more of any man, than either he doth know, or might have knowne. The third pretence is, and that is greater than the other two,I but we have no ability to performe the things we do know. That every man is ready to fay, Who is able to praelife according to his knowledge To this I'anfwer, It is falfe, there is ability in every man to doe according to that he knower ; for, for fo farre as light goes, fo farre there is ability in the will and affeaions to follow that light there is a common light in menthat are in (late of unre- generation (indeed fantifyinglight they have not and 201 SER. IX. Pretence 3. Wee have no ability to per - forme the things wee know. ,uef, Anfw.