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is made mani fef by God. l 27 To this I anfwer, It is true, a man hath not power SE R.X. to pertòrme thefe,but yet withall,I fay,he bath pow- er to doe thofe things, upon the negleâ of which, l e/infiv God denyes him abilitytobeleeve and repent : So that it is true, though a man cannot belceve and re- pent, and nevertheleffe for this is condemned, yet withall take this with you, there be many precedent Acts, which a man hath in his liberty to doe, or not to doe, by which he tyes God, and deCerves this juftly, that God fhould leave him to him fclfe, and deny him ability of belceving and repenting, which as a necefiary duty lyes on him : So that though a man bath no ability to doe this,yet he hath ability to abffaine from the things, by the which he provokes God to anger, and by which he deferves this at his hands,not to be able to belceve, &c. For proofe goe to this Chapter, They knew God, but they glorified him not e s God, therefore (they having not done the precedent Acts which they fhould have done) faith the Text, God gave them rap to their la its : He tooke away all ability to repent,he deprived them of all the fparkles of common grace and knowledge which before they had,but this is a thing which they them- felves deferved firft. So much for the Third, when we come to the ufe we will be more large. Fourthly,men excufe themfelves from this, their , Pretence 4. natures are corrupt, and they have ftrong inclinati- P.m the cot - ntption of pi- ons, ftrong lufts inclining them to this or that fume, sure, which which they cannot refift, therefore arc excufable. they canot To this I anfwer, It is not fo, none hath fo thong rn I . an inclination to any fin, but lice is able to refift ir. This is the Argument; Let a man have hell and death fet