Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

208 The Lan' of mans judgement SE . IX. let before him, nay, let fòme temporali fhame or punifhment be fetbefore him, which he fhall imme. diately undergoc,when.inch a fin is committed, and fee if this will not reftraine him,when the loft is moll impetuous. Therefore it is not, becaufe he cannot reftraine it, but becaufe he will not, t.ísnfrv. 2. Secondly, haft not thou brought on thy felfe that flrong Inclination,that f}range power of (tone Art not thou the caufe of ice For though there be origi- nall fin in us, yet we may intend that original] finne by frequency in any.aóuall fin : As Varnifh intends colours, it puts on no new colours, but intends it, makes it more bright;if there was a glimmering light before, addition of light makes the former light greater: fo frequency off n,makes finne moreaeìive, more efficacious, more vigorous, as humours being accuftomed to a place, are ready to breake forth there ; fo a fin wherein you have had an iffue, wherin you havegiven your feives liberty, there finne gets greater viftory over you ; therfore confider if you be not guilty of the power of fin, of the impetuity of your lufts. Laftiy,confider if you have not deferved that God fhould give you up to thefe lulls ; many are taken in fin, as the fib on the hooke, which cannot get off, it seizes as an Apoplexie on a man that cannot be cured When the fin gets ground, it is like the Sea, getting ground on the land, which cannot be recovered. I confefle this is the cafe of many hundred men, but confider if you have not made way for this ; for as the lower f}ayres leade up to the higher; fo there bee Idler fins wch make way for greater, not by way of efficacie, L./hip. 3.