Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

is made manifefß by God. efficacy, as Ads beget an habit, but by way ofme. rit, G o n may billy give them over to this firength of fin : Therefore though their lulls bee ftrong and impetuous, yet this doth not make them inexcufable. Fifthly, when none of this will ferve the turne, then they are ready to lay it on their temp_ tations : How can a man doe otherwife when it (lands in fuch circumfanccs,that is, fabjedl to fuch company, to fuch occafions, fuch bufinefl'es, and fo many things to draw him away When that withinwill not excufe him, he comes to that with- out. To this I anfwer, whena man is drawne to any thing without, it is the concupifcence within that doth it ; put fire to that which is not combuflible, it will not burne, it is the corruption within that doth all. Therefore, obferve that in tW Us 5. It is Saint Peters fpeech to vinani,es and Saphira, Why bath Satan flied thy heart ? As if he had faid, It is true,Satan bath put this into thy heart,hebath tem., pted thee to the.fn, to lye to the Holy Ghoff, but know, thou waft the caufe of it,thou hadtt the keys of thy heart, if thou hadit not suffered Satan to have entred,he could not have done it. And befides, confider if thou haft not put thy feile into this Temptation ; It is one thing for G O . D to lead into temptation, and another thing to lead our-felves into ir. You know what is fayd of vl baziab, 2 King. 8.27. Hee walked in the wayes of the Kings of Ifrael, and did as the houfe of 4Ihab had done,becaufe. be had the daughter of 4hab P to 209 S A lid X. Pretence 5, From Terne- tations of cb- pany,buGzuflè, &c. Vlnfy. I. c.rinfa, .