Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

210 SEnm.IX. Pretence 6. From the want of meanes. c4nfvJ. Other particu lar Excufes. The Law of mans judgement to Wzfè : As if he had laid, It is true, it was c.ihAf.s Daughter that led him into thofe fins, but he led himfelfe into the temptation, he fhould not have married Ahabbs Daughters: Confider whether thou haft not pur thy felfe into this circumftance, and led thy felfe into this temptation. Laft of an, another Pretence and Excufe is, as I have the temptation that others want, fo I want .he meanes others have ;1f I had the means others have, I fhould doe wellenough. I anfwe, , firft confider ifthou hadft not meanes, and didít not profit by them, confider how many meanes God afforded thee, from whence thou re- e,ivedít nor that fruit and profit, which thou mightefl have done : And if thou didft nor, and G o D deprived thee of the meanes,know thou art the caufe of it thy felfe : for when men ncglet`t the meanes, when G o D fhall fet up a light, and men will not worke by that light, he loth, as Ma- i ers doe with their fervanrs, when they fet them a Candle, and they play by it, and will not ufe it as they fhould, they take it away in anger ; fo G o D removes away the light, he takes away the Gofpell, he fends a famine of the Word, when we ncglee} ìr,or as Parents doe, when their Chil dren play with their meare, they take it from them : When men will not ufe their Talents, God Word them away, and this Talent of the a- bove all other,when it thall be abufed,and not ufed to Gods glory. If all this will not ferve to excufe them in ge- nerafl, then arc they ready toexcufe thcmfelves, in