Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

is made manifeft by God. in particular : Fira, by denying the fad ; or Se- condly, by fighting the fault. Firft, by denying the Faía, they deny that they Firft,bydenv- are guilty of a thoufand finnes of which they are ingthe Fa ; this difpofition you Mall finde in them in üYtalach, i. You have defßifed mee, and you fay, Wherein have wee deg ;lid thee ? vind you have robbedme, and Boiled mee, and you fay, Wherein have we robbed thee ? And you reckon it a wearineffé to ferve the Lord, and you fay, wherin are weweary ? So it is the nature of Man to deny the Fast, if it be poi. fible: See Gods anfwer,when they bave asked thefe queflions, You have offered the lame andblind in fa- crfiice. Confider what you doer doe you not de- fpife God in the prayers that you make,do not you performe them in a flight and perfundtory manner:' Doe you not offer to God of the worn There be men that Solomon fpeakes of,that defpife their way, that is,fome things they negles~,which they thinke are not worth looking after, force things they reckon as trifles which they will not care for, this is to defpife God. Secondly, If they cannot deny the net, they fleight the Fault, and one of there they fay, either the fnne is fmall which they commit, and hope that will excufe them; or if they be greater finnes, they fall into them by humane frailty,and infirmi- ty,andareforry for what they have dote, foexte- nuating what they doe, and making it a matter of nothing. Ob.It is a fatal, But to anfwer firfi to fmall finnes finnes are not i Gn ie. to be meafured by the bulke, but by the circum- P a fiances i1í SE m.IX Secondly, By ileighting the Fault.