Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Law of mans judgement fiances with which they are committed, though thou thinkeft it a fmall finne in it felfe, yet confi- dering it with the circum fiances it may bee great : A finne committed againft light of confcience, and with deliberation, is a great finne, as the Pro - phet that turned another way, it was a fmall thing for him to doe it, yet having the Pure Word of G o n for a rule not to doe ir, you fee G. o D punifhed him, not, as for a (mall finne, and he being juft, wee may argue from the greatnefie of the punifhment, that the finne was great ; fo /1 dams eating of the forbidden fruit, to eate an Apple was a final! matter, but there being the Al- mighty G o D's Commandto the contrary, the punifhment fhewes what the finne was So men thinke that to fweare afmall oath, is no great mat- ter, but Chrìft faith, Let your yea, bee yea, and your nay, nay ; and when God bath commanded a thing, though it be never to fmall, yet that makes it great: fo it was a froall thing for soul to facrifice before Samuel came,but you fee what it colt him,God for that can him away for ever a So in the things you reckon fmall, take heed you be not deceived,be the thing never fo fmall, yet for that you may be con - demned,as well as for the greateft fin, for he that is unfaithful! in the leaft,wil not be faithfull in much :' And take the leaft finne, there is the fame reafon of finfulneffe in that, that is in thegreateft, as a drop is water, afwell as the Ocean :. If thou ab -' ftaine from finne,becaufe there is an Antipathy be- tween fin and thee, as it is with every man after re- generation,thou wilt abfaine from all fins. You know