Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

it made manife f 1 by God. know a Pigeon will not meddle with any feather of an Hauke, becaufe there is an Antipathy be- tweene them, and the Sheepe hates every Wolfe, and men hate every Toad, his ftomacke rifes at a little Toad ; fo a right gracious heart abhors every thing that is evill,and cleaves to every thing that is good, indeed he failes much in performance, but his heart is found. Againe, there is no fmall fin, but it makes way for a greater, as playing at fmall games, makes us afterward to play a greater : Therefore the little. neffe of the fin mules not; for one fin admitted is ofgreat confequence, becaufe it drawes on many that are great. Now for the fecond, force they fay are fmall, force are great, and for them that be great, they commit them by Accident, out of infirmity, and are lorry for what they have done. You muff know this, if they were committed by infirmity, the Excufe were good, for even the faithfull themfelves fall into divers fins out of in. firmity; but take heed of deceiving thy felfe. If thou findeft this thy Cafe, that thy heart is renewed, that thou wageft a continuall warre a- gainft thy fins, refolveft never to make peace or truce with them,ufeft all meaner thou canft againft them, admitted of no occafion to lead thee to fin, and yet falleft into it againft purpofe, and fincere delire of heart, it is a fin of infirmity, and G o D will fo Iudge of it, but put cafe thou holdft not a continuall wane with thy felfe, but fayeft, I fee it is a fin which I am ftrongly inclined to, I !hall be P 3 weary 2I; SaríM.IX. ob. I fell into by infirmity. vtnfw.i.