Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

214 SERm.IX. 2 Ob. But I ana lorry that I % finncd. (Anfty. 3 . LinfiY . .2. The Law of mans judgement ----R-s.. weary with refilling, tnerefore I mull give out, I cannot choofe ; now if thou leave ft riving, and lay downe thy wailers, this is not a fin of infirmity. Againe, if thou keepeft company that leads to that fin,or deft venture on that occafion,beholding fuck objects walking on the brinke and comming neare the fin ; lc is a falfe pretence that thou fal- left into k by infirmity, or by accident, for thou alloweft thy felfe in it, thou lyeft andcontinueft in it. So againe, haft thou ufed thy uttermott power, haft thou prayed hard aainft it, nay, ham thou fa- tted and prayed againft it, for fome devils cannot be call out without both : Indeed if a man ufc all his ftrength to refift it, he Thai! fall into it feldome, and it is to be excufed thus, but if otherwife, it is no fin of infirmity. But they fay, I am lorry for what I have done ; Take heed thou be not deceived in that. Is it not a falle forrow e art not thou more forry for the of feet of fin, than for the evill of fin, for the burning of the coale, than for the blacknefl'e of the coale e Thereis much prefent evill in fin, that may make thee repent it afterward. Againe, if it be not fo,is it not a flight forrow:' not proportionable to thy fin : Is it a forrow that continues on thy heart a Is ita forrow of a tuall to worke any change in thee, to prevent fia for the time to come e therwife, ifthou fay thou art for. ' ry for it, and yet falleft into it againe and againe, it is no true forrow: Go to thy Neighbour and fay, I have done thee an Injury and am forry for ir,and yet